Launch of ISIbalo website

Launch of ISIbalo website

Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) is proud to announce that the ISIbalo Capacity Building Programme website will be launched on Friday 20 May 2016. The programme was conceptualised in 2008 on the eve of the 57th Session of the International Statistical Institute, which was hosted by South Africa in 2009, in response to a need to build African statistical capacity that would be relevant to African challenges.

The website, built by three young web developers at Stats SA (one an intern), seeks to clarify the sometimes misunderstood notions of what ISIbalo stands for. Information Technology (IT) paves the way for Stats SA’s physical move to our new state-of-the-art building on the 1st June 2016, whose design and concept builds on the basics of how we see ourselves working as a statistical community towards achieving a Post-2015 Development Agenda with statistics as the bedrock.

We invite all interested parties to visit the website on Friday 20 May 2016, and find out how African statisticians are enriching the world.

Click here to view the website