2016 – 2018

Phase 1: Development of a Prioritised Research Agenda for African countries

The prioritised research agenda has been developed in line with emerging needs of Africa Agenda 2063, SDGs and an emerging data revolutionA tentative list of demographic topics to be investigated in the project is presented below:


  •  Assessment of the quality of census data
  •   Analysis of the age and sex structure of the population with special focus on:
  • Missing/under enumerated age groups (e.g., 0-4 and 20-29 age groups and pre-retirement ages for males)
    • Surge in population numbers after retirement ages
    • Age structure of institutionalised populations (e.g., populations of prisons and hostels for workers)
    • Implications of trends on household formation and living arrangements.
  •   Fertility and mortality analysis:
  • Impact of HIV/AIDS on population trends
  • Social and economic implications of declining fertility
  • Trends in childhood and adult mortality
  • Implications of trends on population change
  •   Migration analysis:
  • Internal migration
    • Characteristics of migrants
    • Urban/rural migration patterns
    • Social and economic characteristics of sending/receiving migrant areas
    • Absorptive capacity of receiving areas
    • International migration
      • Impact of informal economic sector on cross-border movements
        • Causes and consequences of international migration
        • Possible epidemiological effect of cross-border movements
  •   SDG Indicators
  • Demographic Dividend


The project will also generate a wide range of social and economic indicators based on census and survey data, using appropriate estimation techniques. Furthermore, spatial information will be digitised and spatial analysis conducted, including poverty mapping.



Phase 2: Training Workshop for Analysts

A training workshop will be conducted to equip analysts in African countries carry out in-depth analysis of census data. The workshop will cover the following topics:

  •   Data evaluation using statistical, demographic as  well as modelling methods;
  •   Techniques of handling large volumes of data;
  •   Innovative and standard techniques for data analysis, including use of statistical and demographic computer packages; and
  •   Spatial analysis and presentation of census results using GIS and other new techniques.


The workshop will also familiarize analysts with harmonized terms, concepts and definitions for use in data analysis and guidelines for report writing.


A hands-on approach to training will be adopted to provide sufficient practical experience in various demographic fields and to facilitate the transfer of skills. Analysts will among themselves and with resource persons drawn from cooperating organizations


Phase 3: Preparation of Research Reports

Analysts will prepare country-specific and regional reports on various themes using recommended guidelines and reporting formats.



Phase 4: Conduct a Census Data Utilization Training Workshop

A workshop will be conducted to 30 train middle-level policy makers and planners from various African states in the utilization and application of statistical information derived from censuses and surveys in their day-to-day duties. Funding will be required to cover their travel, accommodation and subsistence costs, as well as the administrative costs of conducting the workshop.


Phase 5: Conduct an ASSD Census Data Dissemination Workshop

An ASSD dissemination workshop on results of censuses and surveys conducted during the 2010 round of population censuses will be conducted. The workshop is expected to draw a large number of participants from African countries, most of whom will be expected to be funded by their respective organizations.