

Living conditions

In 2011 the population of South Africa was 51 770 560
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Increased by 1,3% in 2015 - Q1
70% of South Africans have access to running water

Knowing the population

South Africa is home to a population that is rich in cultural and ethnic diversity. From the streets of its metropolitan cities to the rural villages of its hinterlands, South Africa's predominantly young population is characterized by a wide range of languages, religious beliefs and customs. This is the page where you will be able to explore and learn about the characteristics of this diverse population, and how this population has changed over time. From sex and age profiles, mortality and birth figures, to information on migration and education, the themes below will provide you with an opportunity to delve into many of the traits that define the people of South Africa.

The economy of South Africa

South Africa's economy, ranked as upper-middle income by the World Bank, is currently one of the largest economies on the African continent. Historically, South Africa’s economy was primarily built on primary and secondary industries, such as mining and manufacturing, but in recent decades, and in line with global developments, growth has shifted to the tertiary industries.  Presently, industries that contribute to the economy include finance, real estate and business services; manufacturing; and wholesale and retail trade.  Despite long periods of positive economic growth, unemployment remains one of the key challenges faced by South Africa. The themes below provide the latest overview of South Africa's economy, from how the economy is growing, to profiles of its labour force and industry sectors.  The topics of unemployment and inflation are also explored.  

Understanding Living conditions

South Africa has made significant strides since 1994 to reduce extreme poverty by providing basic services – such as water, electricity, sanitation and housing – to large segments of its population. But even with these concerted efforts to reduce under-development, together with a social welfare system that has enabled thousands to access education and food, a day in life of many people living in South Africa still involves various concerns, such as crime, health, and finding some form of income to make a living.

The themes below provide an overview of the living conditions of people living in South African, from a profile describing different types of housing, to statistics on food security, crime, poverty, household income, and access to basic services. These theme pages outline the great achievements the country has made to improve the standard of living for many of its inhabitants, but also cover the constraints and challenges that still exist.


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Statistics by theme

Population 51,8 million (Oct 2011)

Statistics by theme

Population 51,8 million (Oct 2011)

Knowing the population

South Africa is home to a population that is rich in cultural and ethnic diversity. From the streets of its metropolitan cities to the rural villages of its hinterlands, South Africa's predominantly young population is characterized by a wide range of languages, religious beliefs and customs. This is the page where you will be able to explore and learn about the characteristics of this diverse population, and how this population has changed over time. From sex and age profiles, mortality and birth figures, to information on migration and education, the themes below will provide you with an opportunity to delve into many of the traits that define the people of South Africa.
No themes

The economy of South Africa

South Africa's economy, ranked as upper-middle income by the World Bank, is currently one of the largest economies on the African continent. Historically, South Africa’s economy was primarily built on primary and secondary industries, such as mining and manufacturing, but in recent decades, and in line with global developments, growth has shifted to the tertiary industries.  Presently, industries that contribute to the economy include finance, real estate and business services; manufacturing; and wholesale and retail trade.  Despite long periods of positive economic growth, unemployment remains one of the key challenges faced by South Africa. The themes below provide the latest overview of South Africa's economy, from how the economy is growing, to profiles of its labour force and industry sectors.  The topics of unemployment and inflation are also explored.  
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Understanding Living conditions

South Africa has made significant strides since 1994 to reduce extreme poverty by providing basic services – such as water, electricity, sanitation and housing – to large segments of its population. But even with these concerted efforts to reduce under-development, together with a social welfare system that has enabled thousands to access education and food, a day in life of many people living in South Africa still involves various concerns, such as crime, health, and finding some form of income to make a living.

The themes below provide an overview of the living conditions of people living in South African, from a profile describing different types of housing, to statistics on food security, crime, poverty, household income, and access to basic services. These theme pages outline the great achievements the country has made to improve the standard of living for many of its inhabitants, but also cover the constraints and challenges that still exist.

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