Stats SA to release various population statistics at the 7th African Population Conference, Pretoria

27 November 2015

Media Invite

Stats SA to release various population statistics at the 7th African Population Conference, Pretoria
Statistics South Africa will release a number of population-related statistics and monograph reports during the third day of the UASP’s 7th African Population Conference which will be held in Pretoria from 30 November until 4 December 2015. Members of the media are invited to the event which will be held as follows:
                                 Date: Wednesday, 2nd December 2015
                                 Time: 08:30 (Start of Day 3 proceeding)
                                 Time of release: 10H45 – 12H30
                                 Venue:  Saint George Hotel, 58 Doornkloof, Goede Hoop Avenue, M57 Rietvleidam
                                 (GPS Coordinates:  25°53’23.88”S 28°15’7.06”E)
  • Mortality and causes of death in South Africa, 2014 – This statistical release presents information on mortality by selected socio-demographic characteristics and provides statistics on the causes of death for deaths that occurred in 2014. The overall number of deaths is also provided by year of death for the period 1997 to 2013 as well as causes of death for selected years to show levels and trends of registered deaths.
  • Income dynamics and poverty status of households in South Africa – A profile of household income and poverty in South Africa using census data. This report uses data from two censuses (2001 and 2011) to explore two areas: first, it examines the distribution of income at national and provincial levels taking into account characteristics of household members, access to basic services and ownership of goods between 2001 and 2011. Secondly, it provides monetary and non-monetary (multidimensional) measures of poverty.
  • Education monograph – a profile of education enrolment, attainment and progression in South Africa. The report profiles enrolment rates, progression ratios and educational attainment by selected differentials.
  • Differentials in marital relationships in South Africa –  this report that presents patterns of marital relationships based on marital status data from the 2013 GHS survey and 2013 registered marriages from Department of Home Affairs and 2013 divorces from the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development
  • Mortality in South Africa – which is an assessment of mortality data quality and completeness of reporting on mortality.  The monograph also covers Infant, child, adult and maternal mortality using a variety of methods  as well as an estimation of Life Expectancy and disability free life expectancy
  • Fertility in South Africa – an assessment of fertility data as well as an analysis of average parity and parity progression and also provides an estimation of fertility measures.
  • Population Dynamics of South Africa – this report reviews key demographic data and provides an analysis of the age structure of the country. It will also provide an analysis related to the existence of a demographic dividend.
  • Migration dynamics in South Africa – this report describes the dynamic relationship around migration in South Africa. This includes an analysis of the factors and characteristics of internal migration, an overview of international migration as well a triangulated approach towards settlement types and urbanisation.
  • Youth monograph – which provides insights on the demographic, and socio-economic characteristics of youth in South Africa over the period 1996-2011 using Census data

(NB! Attendees, including media personnel, are required to be pre-accredited. Entry will be refused if you have not been accredited)

To RSVP and get assistance with pre-accreditation, contact the following officials by Saturday, 28 November 2015 with you details includingfull names and surname, name of the media house and ID number:

Felicia Sithole
Madimetja Mashishi
For media enquiries contact:
Lesedi Dibakwane
Issued by Statistics South Africa