Media Release: Private sector companies record turnover increases

Media Release                                                                                          17 November 2015

Private sector companies record turnover increases

The total turnover for private sector enterprises1 operating in the South African economy increased by 10,9% to R7 766 625 million (R7,8 trillion) in 2014, from R7 001 362 million (R7,0 trillion) in 2013. For the reference period, turnover increased in all industries covered by the Annual Financial Statistics survey.


The largest percentage increase (+27,5%) was reported in construction, followed by activities auxiliary to financial intermediation, real estate and other business services (excluding financial intermediation, insurance and business services not elsewhere classified) (+13,5%), trade (+11,4%), electricity, gas and water supply (+10,6%), community, social and personal services (excluding government institutions) (+10,6%), mining and quarrying (+10,1%), forestry and fishing (+9,5%), manufacturing (+8,8%) and transport, storage and communication (+6,5%).


Employment costs

Employment-related costs in private sector enterprises increased by 9,7% from R932 129 million  (R0,9 trillion) in 2013 to R1 022 329 (R1,0 trillion) in 2014. Construction reported the largest increase (+17,3%), followed by trade (+13,9%), community, social and personal services (excluding government institutions) (+11,9%), electricity, gas and water supply (+9,9%), transport, storage and communication (+9,5%), activities auxiliary to financial intermediation, real estate and other business services (excluding financial intermediation, insurance and business services not elsewhere classified) (+8,9%), forestry and fishing (+8,4%), manufacturing (+6,2%) and mining and quarrying (+4,6%).


Capital expenditure

Capital expenditure on assets amounted to R468 418 million in 2014, representing an increase of 2,2% between 2013 and 2014. Five of the nine industries reflected an increase in capital expenditure on assets. The largest increase was reported in community, social and personal services (excluding government institutions) (+31,5%), followed by electricity, gas and water supply (+24,3%), trade (+17,4%), construction (+16,0%) and mining and quarrying (+4,8%). Decreases were reported for manufacturing (-15,5%), forestry and fishing (-11,3%), activities auxiliary to financial intermediation, real estate and other business services (excluding financial intermediation, insurance and business services not elsewhere classified) (-5,6%) and transport, storage and communication (-3,4%).


1All industries in the South African economy, excluding agriculture, financial intermediation, insurance, other business services not elsewhere classified, government institutions and educational institutions.




The full statistical release is available on the Statistics South Africa website:

Issued by Statistics South Africa


For technical enquiries:

Mr Joe de Beer

Deputy Director General: Economic Statistics

Tel: (012) 310 8024

Cell: 082 888 2600



Dr Sagaren Pillay

Executive Manager: Private Sector Financial Statistics

Tel: (012) 310 4619

Cell: 082 905 2665



Ms Amukelani Ngobeni

Manager: Annual Financial Statistics

Tel: (012) 310 2938

Cell: 082 677 4536



Media enquiries:

Ms Lesedi Dibakwane

Tel: (012) 310 8578

Cell: 082 805 7088
