Mbalo Brief – June 2015

The African continent is faced with many challenges such as, amongst others, terrorism, poverty and gender inequality. Thus, this month, 54 African heads of state are attending the 25th African Union Summit in South Africa from 07 to 15 June to find tangible plans to address these challenges and to focus on how to develop the African continent.The summit was organised under the theme: “Year of Women Empowerment and Development towards Africa’s Agenda 2063”. The summit also emphasises the importance of rekindling the passion for pan-Africanism, a sense of unity, self-reliance, integration and solidarity as key factors to the development of the continent.

Our educational article for this month’s issue of the Mbalo Brief focuses on Victims of Crime Survey, 2013/14 as well as Crime Statistics Series Volume II: Public perceptions about crime prevention and the Criminal Justice System (An in-depth analysis of the Victims of Crime Survey data, 2010–2013/14). This article derived from Report No. 03-40-03 which was published in April 2015. The article reports on, amongst others, the public’s perception of crime, the impact of crime and reporting of crimes in South Africa.

This issue also features articles on Land transport, Mining, Food and beverages and Civil cases for debt amongst others. Fill in our crossword puzzle to test your insight into general issues. We have also included the solutions to the May 2015 puzzle.

Articles published in this issue are based on results of industry surveys conducted for the months ranging from April to May 2015 which were released in May and June 2015.

Remember June is Youth Month. Do not forget the importance of education and the price others had to pay for it.

Download Mbalo Brief – June 2015