Stand up and be counted!

Apart from a massive advertising campaign, Stats SA plans to engage with the media and with the public at specific events so that the census is publicised through every possible channel available.

This means that Stats SA’s has planned a range of events through which the public and media can learn about why the government is spending such a large amount on this massive mobilisation and what it hopes to gain.

Countrywide, Stats SA’s provincial offices have sent out its “foot soldiers” to malls, exhibitions and other gatherings to spread the word about the importance of Census 2011.

Some other activities include:

  • Stats SA will attend the Innibos Laeveld Nasionale Kunstefees, the Vodacom Durban July and the Grahamstown National Arts Festival, as well as other regional festivals
  • Certain buildings will be “wrapped” in yellow
  • Radio current affairs programmes such as those on SAFM will host discussions about the census, while community radio stations have been brought on board so that Stats SA can communicate with communities in their mother tongue
  • Census@School, which is an ongoing programme, is promoting awareness through learners, who will take the message of census back to their communities
  • Stats SA staff have already been asked to promote Census 2011 in their communities

These activities are designed to promote public awareness, resulting in maximum participation in the national census so that everyone within the borders of South Africa – whether you are a citizen or a foreign national – will be counted.

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