SG addresses United Nations

SG addresses United Nations

Statistician-General for South Africa, Mr Pali Lehohla, addressed delegates at the first session of the intergovernmental negotiations on the new post-2015 development agenda.

This stock-taking meeting provides an opportunity for exchange of views on the inputs for the negotiations including the proposal on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the report of the Intergovernmental Committee of Experts on Sustainable Development Financing, the recommendations from the Structured Dialogues on a technology facilitation mechanism and the Secretary-General’s Synthesis Report. Delegates will also consider the components that the post-2015 development agenda should contain.

Mr Lehohla’s address, entitled “A matter of data and the need to know”, spoke particularly to the need to strengthen institutions of official statistics, in order to ensure that the five strategic intentions of leaving no one behind, putting sustainable development at the core, transforming economies for jobs and inclusive growth, building peace and effective, open and accountable institutions, and forging a new global partnership are achieved.

Please find the speech and presentation here.