10th Africa Symposium on Statistical Development (ASSD)

10th Africa Symposium on Statistical Development (ASSD)



The 10th installment of the ASSD will be held as follows:

Theme: “A Decade of Statistical Development: Revolutionising Censuses and Civil Registration and Vital Statistics towards Africa Agenda 2063”.

Dates: 13th to 15th  January 2015

Host Country: Government of the Republic of Uganda

Host Ministries: Uganda Bureau of Statistics and Uganda Registration Services Bureau

Venue: Munyonyo Commonwealth Resort, Kampala, Uganda

Critical Dates: 05 December 2014 – Closing date for nomination of delegates

Enquiries: ASSD Secretariat – email nwabisam@statssa.gov.za, tel. +27 12 310 2126 or mahlomolal@statssa.gov.za, tel. +27 12 336 0341



Munyonyo Commonwealth Resort, Kampala, Uganda