Mbalo Brief – November 2014

As the year draws to a close, South Africans young and old are preparing themselves for the festivities that come with the end of the year. While some are preparing to spend the holidays away from their homes, others are planning on spending the festive season with their loved ones at home. The festive season is also known to be characterised by a higher number of road
accidents than other times of the year. No matter how you will be spending the December holiday season, ensure that you do not drink and drive, and always stay alert while on the road.

From 3 November to 3 December every year, South Africa commemorates the National Disability Rights Awareness Month which aims to educate South Africans on the rights of fellow citizens living with disabilities. The month’s activities conclude on 3 December each year when people the world over celebrate the International Day for People with Disabilities. In this issue of Mbalo Brief we look at the profile of older persons in South Africa, exploring their demographics, marital status, level of education, employment status and disability status amongst others. This article is based on the Profile of older persons in South Africa, 2011 report [Report No. 03-01-60], which is derived from the findings of Census 2011, released by
Statistics South Africa in October 2014.

This month’s issue also features our regular articles on various statistics based on industry surveys conducted for the months ranging from August to September 2014, including articles presenting the key findings of surveys on manufacturing production volumes and sales, income generated by tourist accommodation establishments, the value of motor vehicle sales, and the number of tourists entering South Africa, amongst others. The articles are based on results of industry surveys which were released in October and November 2014. For full details on any of the surveys, visit our website at
Remember to enjoy the end-of-year festivities responsibly. Here’s to a happy New Year!
Download Mbalo – Brief November2014