United Nations Secretary-General Appoints Independent Expert Advisory Group on the Data Revolution for Sustainable Development

United Nations Secretary-General Appoints Independent Expert Advisory Group on the Data Revolution for Sustainable Development

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today announced the establishment of an Independent Expert Advisory Group on the Data Revolution for Sustainable Development. The Group will advise the Secretary-General on measures required to close the data gaps and strengthen national statistical capacities.

The Group is also expected to assess new opportunities linked to innovation, technical progress and the surge of new public and private data providers to support and complement conventional statistical systems and strengthen accountability at the global, regional and national level.

The Secretary-General has appointed two co-chairs: Professor Enrico Giovannini of Italy and Mr.Robin Li of China. The full list of Panel members is available below.

“The data revolution is giving the world powerful tools that can help usher in a more sustainable future,” said the UN chief. “The recommendations of the Group will be important inputs to the post 2015 debate and our efforts to shape an ambitious yet achievable vision.”

The Group is part of the Secretary-General’s efforts to prepare the Synthesis Report that Member States have asked him to issue ahead of the intergovernmental negotiations leading to the adoption of the post-2015 development agenda.

The Special Advisor of the Secretary-General for Post-2015 Development Planning, Assistant Secretary-General Amina Mohammed, and the Assistant Secretary-General for Policy Coordination and Inter-Agency Affairs, UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Thomas Gass, will serve on the Group as ex-officio members and will provide the link to the UN system.

The Group is expected to submit its recommendations to the Secretary-General in the fall of 2014.

Click here to view Independent Expert Advisory Group Members

Mr. Wynne Boelt, boelt@un.org, +1 212-963-8264 — UN Department of Public Information