Quarterly Employment Survey (QES)

Press Statement, 29 September 2014

The Quarterly Employment Survey complements the Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS). Although the results may differ due to different coverage and conceptual issues, there are some adjustments which can be conducted on the QLFS data to improve the comparability of these surveys. However, in some cases even after the adjustments are made, some differences are difficult to explain due to the business frame instability over time. Over the years the business frame has improved and will continue to improve as administrative systems on which we depend for input data improve their integrity. Statistics South Africa has embarked on a continuous improvement plan of the frame and this is likely to cause breaks in the series in future.

The improvement plan is based on the following high level activities

Main activity Target dates
Assessment of Tax payer’s data (IRP5) December 2014
Integrating tax payers data into the business register May 2015
Creation of an employment frame October 2015
Drawing of new sample January 2016
Analysis of the Sample March 2016
Data collection (parallel collection) June 2016
Reporting using a new sample (June 2016 results) September 2016

Although there might be discrepancies in the level of employment between the two series, the industry composition statistics generated in terms of proportions from the QES (VAT based) is still valid so the series will continue while the above improvement plan is being implemented. The results of the quarter ended June 2014 will be released on the 29th September at 13:00 hrs.

Statistics South Africa, SARS and CIPC will convene a group of users to discuss in details the implementation plan.

Thank you.

Pali Lehohla

Statistician General: South Africa