Inflation for June unchanged

Inflation for June unchanged

Annual consumer inflation for June was steady at 6,6%, with a monthly increase of 0,3%. Food and non-alcoholic beverages prices increased by a modest 0,1% between May and June resulting in an unchanged 8,8% annual rate.  Specific food items which continue to exert upward pressure on inflation are white bread (monthly increase of 1,9%) and full cream milk (monthly increase of 2,5%). Strong price decreases were recorded in fruit and vegetables (-4,6% and -1,8% respectively).

The main upward drivers of the monthly change in the CPI were the quarterly surveys of housing rents and domestic worker wages.  Owners’ equivalent rent with a weight of 11,4% increase by 1,3% from March with an annual increase of 5%.  Domestic worker wages has an annual increase of 5,7%.

The petrol price decreased by 22c/l (1,6%) in June, the second consecutive decrease.  The annual inflation rate for this item is still high at 13,3%.

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