Participate in the CENSUS 2011 data review

Participate in the CENSUS 2011 data review

As with the 1996 and 2001 censuses, users of Stats SA data are invited to review the Census 2011 data in their respective field of expertise.  Papers should be based on any of the subjects covered in Census 2011 and should use the recently released 10% sample, which is available either on DVD from the Stats SA head office or by downloading it via the Nesstar Data Portal on the Stats SA website

In order to  remain impartial in the process of assessing such reviews the SA Journal of Demography, under the editorship of Prof Eric Udjo and his editorial panel, will be assessing the suitability of submitted abstracts and will peer review papers presented as part of this Census 2011 data review. A forum to present these papers will be hosted by Stats SA and papers will be published in the aforementioned journal.

Those who are interested in being published in an established journal and being afforded the opportunity to present at the forum are invited to submit abstracts of no longer than 1 A4 page to Prof Udjo at by 1 August 2014. Final papers should be submitted by 3 October, 2014. Guidelines for the papers will be forwarded to the successful abstract submissions.

Any queries regarding the process of this review can be addressed to Mr. Diego Iturralde at and any editorial queries should be directed to Prof Udjo.

It is expected that the papers produced will inform the National Development Plan from an evidence-based perspective and will tell the narrative of the South Africa I know, the home I understand.