Consumer inflation holds steady

Annual consumer price inflation was 3,2% in February, unchanged from January. This marks the fourth consecutive month that inflation has remained above the four-and-a-half-year low of 2,8% in October. The monthly change in the consumer price index (CPI) was 0,9% in February.


Recreation, sport & culture; food & non-alcoholic beverages (NAB); alcoholic beverages & tobacco; and communication recorded higher annual rates in February. Inflation cooled for several product categories, most notably personal care & miscellaneous services; health; restaurants & accommodation; furnishings, household equipment & routine maintenance; and transport.

Maize meal inflation remains hot

The annual rate for food & NAB accelerated to a four-month peak in February, rising to 2,8% from 2,3% in January. Fruit & nuts, vegetables, hot beverages, seafood, meat and cereals recorded higher rates. However, cold beverages; milk, dairy & eggs; oils & fats; and sugar, confectionery & desserts witnessed slower price increases.

Maize meal inflation reached a 17-month high and samp a 19-month high in February. The price index for maize meal increased by an annual 10,6% and samp by 18,7%. In terms of average prices, a 5 kg bag of maize meal was R74,91 in February, up from R68,52 a year ago. The price for samp (1 kg) increased to R22,86 from R19,28 over the same period.

These increases are driven by inflationary pressure in the production chain. According to the latest producer price index (PPI), annual farm inflation for maize was 64,7% and factory-gate inflation was 15,0% in January.


On average, consumer prices for meat remained stable in February, recording a monthly change of 0%. The annual rate for the category was also 0%, indicating that prices (on average) remained stable in the 12 months to February.

While meat remains subdued, inflation for hot beverages continues to accelerate. The annual change in the price index for hot beverages was 14,6% in February, up from 13,7% in January. Prices rose sharply by 1,1% between January and February. Instant coffee recorded an annual rate of 19,0%, the highest in six months. The rate for black tea was 12,4%.

The graphs below show food and beverage products that registered notable price changes in February.


Other notable price changes

Stats SA surveys medical insurance (medical aid premiums) and health services in February. Medical aid premiums increased by 10,5% this year, slightly up from 10,3% in 2024. Medical services rose by 6,1% compared with a 5,0% rise last year. General practitioner’s fees increased by 6,6% and dentist prices were up by 5,2%.

Fuel prices climbed by 3,9% between January and February, taking the annual rate to -3,6% from -4,5% in January. The price for inland 95-octane petrol was R22,41 in February, up from R21,59 in January. Despite this increase, the price is still lower than it was a year ago (R23,24).

For more information, download the February 2025 CPI statistical release and associated Excel files with indices and average prices here. The February CPI is the second to incorporate the changes to the CPI basket and weights announced in January. Various documents covering the changes are available, including a summary article, an overview note, the release, and a media presentation. Additional documents are available here.


1 Department of Mineral Resources and Energy. Comparing prices for petrol, diesel and illuminating paraffin (IP) (click here).

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