Labour market publications released

Labour market publications released

Labour market dynamics in South Africa, 2012 report
National and Provincial labour market trends over the last decade, 2003–2013, report


Press Statement

Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) released two labour market publications on the 5th of November 2013, namely, the “Labour Market Dynamics in South Africa, 2012” , and the “National and Provincial Labour Market Trends over the last decade, 2003–2013” reports. This press statement is divided into two parts, following the sequence in which the reports were released.

Download the complete press statement

For media enquiries contact:

Ms Kefiloe Masiteng
Deputy Director General: Population and Social Statistics

(012) 310 2109

For technical enquiries contact:

Mr Peter Buwembo
Executive Manager: Labour Statistics

(012) 310 8655