Inflation back in target band…but food inflation pressures

Inflation back in target band…but food inflation pressures

The annual inflation rate dipped to 6% in September, from the 6,4% registered in August. Much of the monthly increase of 0,5% came from strong increases in basic necessities such as maize meal, rice, bread and meat.

Food prices increased by 0,8% from August to September – the highest monthly increase since January this year. The increase was influenced by large price inflation in staples such as super maize meal (up 4,3% from August), rice (1,5%) and white bread (0,8%). White bread has an annual inflation rate of 11,5% but maize meal has only increased by 1,6% over the past year.

Meat prices increased by 0,4% between August and September, the first monthly increase since March 2013. Both beef (0,8%) and chicken (0,6%) showed increases.

The monthly decrease in the petrol price helped to moderate inflation this month. However, public transport fares (which some are surveyed only quarterly) rose. Taxi fares increased by 0,6% but long distance bus prices were up by 2,9% from the previous survey period.

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