Natural Capital Accounting Forum, 2024

Improving Lives

Through Data Ecosystems

Natural Capital Accounting Forum, 2024

South Africa will hold its third in-person National Natural Capital Accounting (NCA) Forum on 7 and 8 August 2024, in the fourth year of implementation of the National NCA Strategy and just ahead of National Women’s Day. In line with the National NCA Strategy the National NCA Forum 2024 offers us an opportunity to reflect on our achievements thus far and look towards how we can chart a course for even greater impact. The event is being hosted by Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) and organised in partnership with the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE) and the South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI). It is supported by the Ecological Infrastructure for Water Security (EI4WS) Project and the Water Research Commission (WRC). The outcomes of the National NCA Forum 2024 will feed into multiple pathways, including the review of the National NCA Strategy in 2026, reporting obligations, lessons learnt through the EI4WS Project, and insights from ongoing research on the impact of NCA in South Africa.


Documentation related to the Forum, can be accessed below.



Parallel Session A. Ecological infrastructure for water security accounts and data foundations

Parallel Session B. Climate-related accounts and data foundations

  • Session 5: A traditional health practitioner’s connection to biodiversity economy and NCA
  • A traditional health practitioner’s connection to biodiversity economy and NCA (Gogo Nomsa Sibeko, Nature Speaks and Responds) (No presentation)
  • Session 6: Mainstreaming biodiversity into the financial sector
  • Panel discussion: Mainstreaming biodiversity into the financial sector in South Africa (No presentation)
  • Session 7: Natural capital tools for private sector
  • Session 8. Policy relevance of natural capital approaches: Break-away discussions
  • Session 9: Leveraging transformative potential of NCA