Employment dips in SA’s formal non-agricultural sector during Q4:2023

Statistics South Africa has committed to provide up-to-date and reliable statistics derived from the Quarterly Employment Statistics (QES) survey to ensure accurate information for users and policymakers. The results of the QES, Q4:2023 are derived from the 2023 sample, which was drawn in April 2023. This annual process typically impacts employment and gross earnings levels. To maintain continuity in time series and minimise revisions to historical growth rates, historical employment and gross earnings levels were adjusted, linking them to estimates based on the new 2023 sample.
According to the Quarterly Employment Statistics (QES, Q4:2023) survey released by Statistics South Africa (Stats SA), total employment in the formal non-agricultural sector decreased by 194 000 in the fourth quarter of 2023, bringing the level of employment to 10,7 million. The survey showed that 98 000 jobs were added between December 2022 and December 2023

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Total number of employees declined by 194 000, or -1,8%. This is a decrease from 10 899 000 reported in September 2023 to 10 705 000 in December 2023.

The community services industry saw the highest number of job losses, totalling 214 000, followed by the construction industry, which lost 19 000 jobs, and the business services industry, which experienced a loss of 12 000 jobs. The mining sector reported a moderate decrease, with 1 000 job losses reported during the same period.

Certain industries experienced growth in employment. The trade industry saw an uptick of 56 000 jobs, trailed by the transport industry with 2 000 jobs, and the electricity industry with 1 000 jobs.

Full-time employment decreased by 5 000 jobs, dropping from 9 498 000 in the third quarter of 2023 to 9 493 000 in the fourth quarter of 2023.

Several industries witnessed declines in full-time employment. The construction sector observed a reduction of 13 000 jobs, followed by the manufacturing industry with a loss of 12 000 jobs, and the community services industry with a decrease of 11 000 jobs. Conversely, the trade industry reported an increase of 31 000 jobs. Meanwhile, moderate increases were noted in the transport and electricity industries, with 3 000 jobs and 1 000 jobs, respectively.

Year-on-year, the number of full-time jobs rose by 12 000 in December 2023 compared to December 2022.

Part-time employment decreased by 189 000, reaching a total of 1 212 000 in December 2023 compared to 1 401 000 reported in September 2023. This decrease was mainly driven by declines in community services with 203 000 jobs. Business services, construction and transport industries reported losses of 9 000, 6 000 and 1 000 jobs, respectively. However, certain industries experienced an increase in part-time employment, with trade adding 25 000 jobs and manufacturing adding 5 000 jobs. Electricity remained unchanged for the quarter.

Year-on-year part-time employment saw a rise of 86 000 jobs compared to the corresponding quarter of 2023.
Total gross earnings paid to employees increased by 5,8%, totalling R995,6 billion in December 2023 compared to R941,3 billion in September 2023. This upswing was primarily driven by the growth in earnings within trade (R15,1 billion), manufacturing (R12,6 billion), construction (R7,3 billion), business services (R7,1 billion), community services (R5,8 billion), transport (R4,7 billion), electricity (R1,8 billion) and mining (R216 million).


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Basic salaries/wages increased by 0,9% (R7,9 billion) in December 2023 to reach R857 billion, primarily driven by growth in trade, manufacturing, construction, business services, transport, electricity, and mining industries. However, there was a decline in community services industry.

Year-on-year basic salaries/wages paid to employees rose by 5,4% or R43,6 billion from December 2022 to December 2023.

Bonus payments increased by R45 billion (69%) to reach R110 billion. Growth was notable in trade and manufacturing. This was followed closely by community services, construction, transport, business services, construction, and electricity.

Year-on-year, bonus payments fell by 4,5% or R5,2 billion from December 2022 to December 2023.

Overtime payments increased by 6,1 % or R1,6 billion to reach R28,4 billion in the fourth quarter of 2023. Growth was observed in all industries.

Year-on-year overtime payments paid to employees increased by R3,6 billion, marking a rise of 14,5% from December 2022 to December 2023.

The average monthly earnings (AME) paid to employees saw a 1,6% increase quarter-on-quarter, rising from R26 471 in August 2023 to R26 894 in November 2023.

Year-on-year, there was a 2,3% growth in the average monthly earnings.

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