Mbalo Brief – October 2013

“While many people look forward to a fulfilling old age, more than one in five adults aged 60 and over experience mental or neurological disorders, such as dementia and depression.” These were the words of United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on the occasion of the World Mental Health Day, 10 October 2013. Mental health conditions are often frowned upon and people suffering from mental illnesses are at times not treated with dignity. And while this year’s theme for World Mental Health Day focused on the aged and mental health, mental illnesses do not affect old people exclusively – people of any age can suffer from mental illnesses.


In this issue of Mbalo Brief, we conclude the Census 2011 provincial results highlights with an educational article dedicated to Northern Cape census results. We look at the province’s population growth in 2011 in comparison to 2001, the unemployment rate, access to housing, basic services, and possession of certain household goods among others. Solutions for September’s puzzle and a new general knowledge crossword puzzle are included on page iv. You can also expect to be informed on the performance of various industries in our economy, including mining, motor trade, manufacturing, and retail trade sales, among others. To help you measure the cost of living, articles on both the producer and consumer price indices are included.


Articles published in this issue are based on results of industry surveys conducted for the months ranging from July to September 2013 which were released in September and October 2013. For full details on any of the surveys, visit our website at


Remember that mental health conditions can affect any human-being, regardless of age, creed or colour. Be empathetic to all people suffering from mental illnesses in your family and your community, and treat them with respect and dignity.


Download: Mbalo Brief – October 2013