Gender statistics experts to deliberate on the care economy and its impact on gender equality

Media Advisory                                                              25 August 2023

Gender statistics experts to deliberate on the care economy and its impact on gender equality

Statistics South Africa, in collaboration with the Statistics Division of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs and under the guidance of the Inter-Agency and Expert Group on Gender Statistics, will host the 9th United Nations Global Forum on Gender Statistics in Johannesburg, South Africa from 29 to 31 August 2023.

Gender data and the statistics derived from them are a powerful tool for uncovering the differences and inequalities between women and men in all areas of life. They help to reveal the contributions of women and men to the economy and society, as well as the challenges they face. Gender statistics are essential for creating policies that promote gender equality and empower women and girls. They are also invaluable for monitoring progress and pinpointing where more work and focus are needed to achieve equitable outcomes.

Establishing enhanced metrics for producing gender statistics and improved monitoring frameworks is the cornerstone of discussions at the Global Forum. The Forum is held every second year and this is the second time the event is hosted on the African continent. This year’s event is taking place as Women’s Month draws to a close in South Africa.

During the Forum, experts will pay special attention to how data on the care economy is produced and used and will also showcase best practices to produce reliable and high-quality gender data, including in the African region.

The Deputy Minister in the Presidency, Itiseng Kenny Morolong will deliver the keynote address at the Gender Forum at 09:45 on Tuesday, 29 August 2023 followed by a media briefing.

The Deputy Minister will be joined by the Statistician-General and Head of Statistics South Africa, Risenga Maluleke; Ms. Ranji Reddy, Chief Director in the Department of Women, Youth and Persons with DMs Francesca Grum, Assistant Director, and Chief of the Demographic and Social Statistics Branch, United Nations Statistics Division.

The briefing will be held as follows:

Date: Tuesday, 29 August 2023

Time: 12:30

Venue: Sandton Convention Centre, Johannesburg

To RSVP to the press briefing and for media enquiries, contact:

Felicia Sithole Tel: 012 339 2401 Cell: 076 430 0693 E-mail:

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