Mbalo Brief – September 2022

Every year the United Nations (UN) chooses several topics that will become a focus area for one year. On 18 May 2021, the General Assembly of the UN declared 2022 the International Year of Glass. The spotlight on glass is to shine a light on the role of glass in our societies and show how technologies like glass can contribute to sustainable development. The significance of glass is to enhance building exteriors and insulation, among others, and it is made of raw materials such as sand, soda ash and limestone that are found in nature and can be recycled. The International Year of Glass helps UN member states and all who participate in the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to achieve sustainable development in three dimensions such as economic, social and environmental. The UN requests its member states to promote sustainable consumer behaviour including glass reuse and recycling, and advance innovative pathways to achieving sustainable consumption and production.

Download Mbalo Brief September 2022