Real estate, activities auxiliary to financial intermediation and business services industry, 2020

Media Release                                                                         28 June 2022

Real estate, activities auxiliary to financial intermediation and business services industry, 2020

Today, Stats SA publishes the results of the periodic large sample survey conducted every three to five years for enterprises in the ‘real estate, activities auxiliary to financial intermediation and business services’ industry.

According to the report, the industry gained 356 000 jobs between the end of June 2010 and the end of June 2020. The highest gains in jobs were recorded in ‘other business activities’ (+146 000 jobs), ‘investigation and security activities’ (+75 000 jobs), ‘business and management consultancy activities’ (+68 000 jobs), ‘activities auxiliary to financial intermediation’ (+49 000 jobs) and ‘computer related activities’ (+36 000 jobs).

However, substantial losses in jobs were recorded in ‘labour recruitment and provision of personnel’ (-62 000 jobs) and ‘building and industrial plant cleaning activities’ (-21 000 jobs) over the same period.

The total income for the industry in 2020 was R1 473 billion

The largest contributors in 2020 were ‘real estate activities’ (R287 billion or 20%), ‘other business activities’ (R235 billion or 16%), ‘activities auxiliary to financial intermediation’ (R234 billion or 16%) and ‘computer related activities’ (R175 billion or 12%).

The total income between 2010 (R709 billion) and 2020 (R1 473 billion) increased by 108% This translates to an increase of R764 billion. Large increases were reported for ‘activities auxiliary to financial intermediation’ (+R182 billion), ‘real estate activities’ (+R157 billion), ‘computer related activities’ (+R107 billion), ‘other business activities’ (+R69 billion) and ‘business and management consultancy activities’ (+R64 billion).

In summary, ‘real estate activities’, ‘other business activities’, ‘activities auxiliary to financial intermediation’, ‘computer related activities’ and ‘business and management consultancy activities’ dominates the ‘real estate, activities auxiliary to financial intermediation and business services’ industry in terms of both income and employment.

Media enquiries:                                                       Technical enquiries:

Trevor Oosterwyk                                                       Itani Magwaba

Chief Director: Communications                                 Chief Director: Structural Industry Statistics                                    

012 310 4687 / 082 908 9104                                     012 3337 6254 / 082 905 5143