Formal non-agricultural sector employment up in first quarter of 2022

According to the Quarterly Employment Statistics (QES, Q1:2022) survey released by Statistics South Africa (Stats SA), total employment in the formal non-agricultural sector increased by 42 000 in the first quarter of 2022, bringing the level of total employment to approximately 10,1 million. The survey showed that jobs increased by 200 000 between March 2021 and March 2022.


Number of employees final

Quarterly job gains occurred in community services (69 000), manufacturing (8 000) and mining (2 000).

There were decreases in trade (-18 000), construction (-9 000), business services (-8 000) and transport (-2 000).

There was a net increase of 1000 full-time jobs in the first quarter; 8000 jobs were added year-on-year between March 2021 and March 2022.

Full-time employment increased in business services (14 000) and mining (2 000). There were decreases reported in trade (-6 000), manufacturing (-4 000), transport (-3 000), construction (-1 000) and community services (-1 000)

The report shows that part-time employment increased by 41 000 or 3,5% quarter-on-quarter, and by 192 000 or 18,6%  between March 2021 and March 2022.

The increases in part-time employment were mainly due to job gains in community services (70 000), manufacturing (12 000) and transport (1 000). The electricity industry reported no quarterly change. Part-time employment in business services (-22 000), trade (-12 000) and construction (-8 000) declined in the first quarter.

Gross earnings paid to employees decreased by R28,2 billion or -3,4% from R827,3 billion in December 2021 to R799,1 billion in March 2022. This was mainly due to decreases in the community services, manufacturing, transport, trade, construction and electricity industries.

Gross earnings final


Business services and mining reported decreases in gross earnings.

Total gross earnings increased by R56,6 billion or 7,6% between March 2021 and March 2022.

Basic salary/wages paid to employees decreased by R4,5 billion or -0,6% from R720,2 billion in December 2021 to R715,7 billion in March 2022. This was largely due to decreases in the following industries: community services, transport, construction and electricity.

The trade, business services, manufacturing and mining industries reported an increase in basic salary/wages in March 2022.

Basic salary/wages increased by R43,1 billion or 6,4% between March 2021 and March 2022.

Bonuses paid to employees decreased by R21,7 billion or -25,6% from R84,7 billion in December 2021 to R63,0 billion in March 2022. This was largely due to decreases in the following industries: community services, manufacturing, trade, transport, construction and electricity. However, the business services industry reported a quarterly increase.

Year-on-year, bonus payments increased by R12,7 billion or 25,4% between March 2021 and March 2022.

Overtime paid to employees decreased by R2,0 billion or -8,9% from R22,4 billion in December 2021 to R20,4 billion in March 2022. This was mainly due to decreases in the community services, manufacturing, business services, construction, transport and electricity industries. However, the trade industry reported a quarterly increase.

Year-on-year overtime payments increased by R0,8 billion or 4,2% between March 2021 and March 2022.

There was a quarter-on-quarter decrease of 1,4% in average monthly earnings paid to employees in the formal non-agricultural sector from R23 828 in November 2021 to R23 502 in February 2022.

The year-on-year, average monthly earnings paid to employees in the formal non-agricultural sector increased by 3,9%.

If you missed the link in the article, download the full report here.