Construction industry, 2020

Media Release 27 June 2022

Construction industry, 2020

According to the Construction industry report released by Statistics South Africa today, 11 000 construction jobs were lost between 2011 (484 000) and 2020 (473 000). The biggest losses in jobs were recorded in the construction of civil engineering structures (-31 000) and site preparation (-9 000). However, there was a significant gain in other building completion (+39 000).

This is a periodic large sample survey of construction enterprises conducted every three to five years which reports on the nature and structure of the construction industry.

118 000 jobs losses between end of June 2017 and end of June 2020
The total number of persons employed at the end of June 2020 (473 000) decreased by 20% compared with those employed at the end of June 2017 (592 000). Large decreases in jobs were reported for civil engineering structures (-89 000) and buildings (-18 000).

The total income decreased by 7,1% between 2017 (R470 billion) and 2020 (R437 billion) Comparing 2017 and 2020, a large decrease was reported for civil engineering structures (-R59 billion).

However, large increases were reported for buildings (+R18 billion) and other building completion (+R7 billion) over the same period.
Between 2011 and 2020, civil engineering structures lost the biggest percentage share of income (-14 percentage points) (from 43% in 2011 to 29% in 2020). Buildings gained the biggest percentage
share of income (+8 percentage points) (from 23% in 2011 to 31% in 2020).

Civil engineering works, building installation and completion and construction of buildings contributed 69% of total income from services (R406 billion)
Income from services rendered in 2020 was R406 billion. Civil engineering works contributed 24% to the total, building installation and completion contributed 22%, non-residential buildings contributed 12%, and residential buildings contributed 11%. Large decreases between 2017 and 2020 were reported for work subcontracted out (-R21 billion), civil engineering works (-R16 billion) and rental of construction equipment with driver/operator (-R5 billion).

Media enquiries:                                                                                             Technical enquiries:
Trevor Oosterwyk                                                                                               Itani Magwaba
Chief Director: Communications                                                                         Chief Director: Structural Industry Statistics                                                                            
012 310 4687 / 082 908 9104                                                                             012 3337 6254 / 082 905 5143