Final call to Western Cape Residents: Census 2022 data collection will run until 31 May

MEDIA STATEMENT                                                         13 May 2022

Final call to Western Cape Residents: Census 2022 data collection will run until 31 May

The Statistician-General, Risenga Maluleke, is making a final call to all residents of the Western Cape who have not yet been counted to make use of this last opportunity to complete the census questionnaire by 31 May. No further extensions past this date will be possible without compromising Census quality assurance and analysis activities.

The Census aims to count all households. Low participation rates may affect the accuracy of the overall census results which are the basis for budget allocations across local, provincial, and national government. Census data enables good planning for the provision of services, government programmes. The further extension of the provincial population count will ensure a comprehensive statistical profile of the country and equitable allocation of resources.

The positive response of residents of the Western Cape to the urgent call during the past month resulted in a significant increase in the number of households that were counted from 49% after the Easter weekend to 70% on 12 May. The Western Cape Provincial Government and municipalities around the province have significantly contributed to raising awareness of the importance of being counted.

Residents are encouraged to make use of the online questionnaire completion option that can be accessed at (datafree). To date, almost 100 000 online questionnaires have been completed in the Western Cape. Alternatively, answer the questionnaire face to face with one of the Census fieldworkers when they visit your area or where you see them at your local mall or government service point. Completing the questionnaire only takes 15 – 30 minutes and all information provided is strictly confidential.

The Census call centre is open to assist with any enquiries – 0800 110 248 (tollfree) or email


For media inquiries contact: Trevor Oosterwyk, Cell: 082 908 9104, Email: