Delay in the release of QLFS Quarter 4 2021 results

MEDIA NOTICE                                                                   19 February 2022

Delay in the release of QLFS Quarter 4 2021 results

The release of the results of the Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS) for the 4th quarter of 2021, scheduled for 22 February 2022, has been postponed due to quality checks that need to be conducted before the results can be published. Stats SA acknowledges the importance of this dataset and it is for this reason that we are taking necessary measures to ensure that the data that we release meets international standards. The results will be published in March and the date will be communicated once the release date has been finalised.

Stats SA sincerely apologises for any inconvenience this delay is causing QLFS data users.

Issued by Statistics South Africa

For technical enquiries, contact:

Ms Malerato Mosiane

Chief Director: Labour Statistics

Tel:  012 310 8688

Cell: 082 888 2449



For media enquires contact:

Ms Felicia Sithole

Cell: 076 430 0693
