Mbalo Brief – February 2022

Census 2022 is finally underway. It kicked off with Census Night on Wednesday, 2 February 2022 and will run until 28 February 2022. Thousands of Statistics South Africa’s (Stats SA) fieldworkers will visit more than 17 million households to count the country’s population, in not only the fourth census since the country’s transition to democracy, but also the first digital census.  In this year’s census, households can complete the questionnaire either online, telephonically (via a toll free number) or face-to-face. Census is important because it will inform the country of how many people reside in it and how they use the country’s resources. The results of Census 2022 will enable policy makers to make evidence-based decisions, municipalities will use the results to inform their planning of the services they provide, while industry stakeholders and other small business people will use the results for their investment and business decisions. All the information  collected by Stats SA field workers during census will be kept confidential and will not be used against anyone. You are therefore, encouraged to take part in Census 2022.

Download Mbalo Brief February 2022