Stats SA enumerates Deputy President David Mabuza Wednesday

MEDIA STATEMENT                                                         9 FEBRUARY 2022

Stats SA enumerates Deputy President David Mabuza Wednesday

Deputy President David Mubuza was enumerated today as part of the Census 2022 for population and housing count.

Head of Stats SA, Statistician-General Risenga Maluleke introduced enumerators in Census 2022 gear to the Deputy President at Rondebosch in Cape Town on Wednesday afternoon.

A census is a count of all people in the country on a predetermined date called the reference night, which was 2 February 2022. The last census took place in 2011 and the total population of South Africa as counted in Census 2011 had increased by 11.2 million since Census 1996.

“We implore on South Africans to open their doors and allow the #StatsSA field workers to count you and your households” said Deputy President Mabuza.

The Census 2022 will assist government in long term planning, evidence-based decision-making and equitable resource allocation.

Mr Maluleke, accompanied by Census 2022 project director, Calvin Molongoana, briefed the Deputy President Mabuza on the census count.

This is South Africa’s fourth population count post-democracy and the country’s first digital census where at least 145 000 fieldworkers were being recruited across the country to count everyone within the borders of South Africa.

The statistician-general briefed the Deputy President Mabuza that online Census registration has been reopened and extended to allow self- enumeration for another week as the CAPI system is being enhanced and refined.

Household registrations increased significantly in the days preceding the original close of registration which coincided with the first week of enumeration.




Felicia Sithole, Cell: 076 430 0693, Email:

For media inquiries contact: Trevor Oosterwyk, Cell: 082 908 9104, Email: