Mbalo Brief – June 2013

The month of June is known for cold weather conditions as it marks the beginning of the winter season. To South Africans, June is known as “Youth Month” as it commemorates the youth that raised their voices against the previous government’s education policies. This is the month in which the Soweto uprising occurred 37 years ago.

It appears that the youth’s struggle continues, as today’s youth are faced with a different kind of struggle. They face challenges with social and economic issues such as unemployment, HIV and AIDS, gender equality, poverty, and education.

Our nation has a rich history, part of which is embroidered in the statistics that also seek to make sense of the current economic environment. Let us continue to be part of the youth that use statistics as a tool for informed and evidence-based decision making.

In this month’s issue, we continue with the special focus on the Census 2011 results based on provinces. Our attention this month is given to Mpumalanga province.

Statistics presented in this issue were sourced from statistical releases published in May and June 2013. To access detailed results on any of the sectors featured in this issue, please visit our website at

Have a nice read!

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