Registration for Census 2022 data collection is open

Data Story                                                                                                                                                              01 December 2021

Registration for Census 2022 data collection is open

STATS SA will be conducting a population Census in February 2022. Three methods will be use to collect census data namely; Face to face interview – Computer Assisted Personal interview (CAPI), Online – Computer Assisted Web Interview (CAWI) and Telephonic – Computer Assisted Telephonic Interview (CATI). Respondents must register and select the method they prefer to fill the census questionnaire.

Registration for households/institutions is now open on Stats SA encourages respondents to register their households/institutions. For further assistance with registration respondents may  contact the call centre on 0800 110 248. The registration platform is data free, so you will not be charged for accessing the registration platform.

The census recruitment drive is still open for application for available Census 2022 contract work and will close on the 31st December 2021, to apply visit no payment is required to apply for employment opportunities at Stats SA.