Help us improve how we communicate with you


Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) is in the process of improving its operations through the adoption of a mixed-mode data collection model for its household survey programme.  This means that, in addition to our usual method of collecting data through face-to-face interviews, Stats SA will also use new methods such as telephonic and online collection to gather information from sampled respondents.  By adopting these new methods, Stats SA aims to improve data quality and response rates for our surveys.


This questionnaire is the first of two online surveys that will be conducted through Stats SA’s website to gather information from the general public on matters relating to our publicity and advocacy activities for household surveys. The purpose of this specific survey is to collect data that will help us improve our methods of communicating and interacting with sampled households and other relevant stakeholders. By understanding the public’s preferences, we can better design our communication and publicity strategies and tools.


It should take approximately 10 to 15 minutes to complete the survey. Please note that your participation in this online survey does not mean that you will be will be contacted by Stats SA to participate in future surveys. Furthermore, any responses will be kept strictly confidential and the information will only be used to improve Stats SA’s publicity and data collection operations.


Thank you for participating!


The survey will run from 11 to 25 August 2021.




After completing a section, a blue button will appear with the name of the next section.  Please click the button to move on to the next section.