Applicants still needed for Pilot Census (in selected areas)

Registration on Stats SA’s Human Resources Database has been extended to 31 May to allow prospective candidates to register for contract appointments. The HR Database is used to identify people to work on short-term contracts for various Stats SA projects. The Database uses geolocation information to link applicants to the area they live in. This is done to ensure that candidates are employed where they live to reduce travel costs and to try and ensure they speak the language, among other issues.

The Pilot Census will be going into field from 3 – 28 July 2021 in selected areas. Unfortunately, there are some areas in the pilot that do not have any registrations. We are therefore encouraging people living in those areas to register before the end of May to be considered for these fieldwork positions.

When the main census goes into field, we will need people from every corner of the country. While these specific areas are being targeted, we encourage all job-seekers with the relevant qualifications to register on Stats SA’s HR Database.

Register here for short-term contract employment opportunities:

To see the list of areas needing applicants, click here:


No registrations_LP_v01


No registrations_KZN_v01


No registrations_GP_v01


No registrations_FS_v01

Eastern Cape

No registrations_EC_v01

Western Cape

No registrations_WC_v01

North West

No registrations_NW_v01

Northern Cape

No registrations_NC_v01


No registrations_MP_v01