Mbalo Brief – November 2020

African Health Ministers gathered for the 17th session of the World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Committee for Africa in Brazzaville to assess the region’s efforts in combatting the COVID-19 pandemic, with more calls to step up vigilance and to prevent a possible resurgence of infections. According to WHO Regional Committee for Africa, most African countries took swift action early and these efforts to limit movement and gatherings along with implementing key public health measures have helped keep cases and deaths in Africa lower than in many other parts of the world. However, recently, the African region has recorded a steady increase in
COVID-19 cases. As of 22 November 2020, 18 countries reported increases of more than 20%. With the festive season approaching and most of the lockdown restrictions relaxed, citizens are urged to continue taking precautions, including social distancing, wearing a mask, constant handwashing and sanitising to curb the spread of the virus.

Download Mbalo Brief November 2020