Mbalo Brief – October 2020

The World Economic Forum says that 65% of children entering primary school today will ultimately end up working in completely new job types that do not yet exist. This is because many countries and industries are rapidly evolving. What is considered to be in demand now, is not what was in demand 10 years ago and will probably not be in demand 10 years from now. This is even exacerbated by the increasing development in technology and digitisation. For instance, a few years ago, clients who wished to visit the bank to make deposits or get bank statements, no longer need to do so now as they can easily get those services from ATMs. Thus, such a rapid evolution necessitates the need and ability of those in the education sector to anticipate and prepare for future skills requirements and adequately prepare learners with the right skills and knowledge for today’s changing world.

Download Mbalo Brief October 2020