Mbalo Brief – November 2019

Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) recently concluded the Census 2021 Mini Test, which took place from 9 October to 6 November 2019 in selected areas around the country. The purpose of this mini test was to test data collection methods, questionnaire and operation systems to prepare for the population census that will be conducted in 2021. However, that was only the first phase of the mini test; the next phase is an independent survey called the Post-enumeration Survey (PES), which will be conducted from 14 November 2019 to 13 December 2019 in order to evaluate the quality of the Census 2021 Mini Test. PES fieldworkers will visit dwellings in selected areas to administer a PES questionnaire. Once the evaluation is completed,
households may be revisited from 20 January to 14 February 2020 to obtain missing or additional information.

Stats SA fieldworkers can be identified through the official Stats SA Identification (ID) Card displaying the Stats SA logo, the photograph and unique number of the fieldworker. Respondents can also contact the Census 2021 toll-free number (0800 110 248) to verify the fieldworkers visiting their homes.

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