Stats SA implements new logo

Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) has changed from using the drum logo (figure 1) to using the Coat of Arms as its logo (figure 2). This was precipitated by a legal opinion from Stats SA’s Legal Services division that, by using a logo that did not include the Coat of Arms, the department was in contravention of government regulations.


Figure 1                                                                          Figure 2

When Central Statistical Service changed its name to Statistics South Africa in 1998, a new logo was developed for the organisation supporting the name change (figure 3). When the Coat of Arms was unveiled in 2000, this logo was changed to include the Coat of Arms (figure 4). In 2016, when the organisation moved to ISIbalo House, its new home in Salvokop, the drum logo was adopted (figure 1).

figure3                       figure4

Figure 3                                                                           Figure 4

Through all the iterations of the logo, the Government Communications and Information Systems department (GCIS) had been in discussion with Stats SA on the use of the Coat of Arms by government departments. In addition to the legal opinion, there was also anecdotal evidence from fieldworkers about the difficulties they experienced in the field, as the drum logo had nothing that identified them as being part of government.

A decision was taken by the leadership of the organisation to comply with government regulations and adopt the Coat of Arms as Stats SA’s logo (figure 2). This decision will be effected on Friday 28 June 2019.

The change in the logo will be phased in. Electronic platforms and documents will change immediately. Stats SA’s offices across the country, some of which have never had permanent signage, will benefit from this change as all offices will be rebranded. This will also serve to increase the visibility of these offices as we prepare for Census 2021.

There will be some overlap in logos, as physical items, especially field gear such as bibs and ID cards, will need to be printed. Field staff will therefore be using ID cards and bibs with the old logo for the next few months, until new items have been procured. If you need to verify a fieldworker’s identity, please contact your local provincial office here.

Stats SA retains its independence, and will continue to implement best practice in the collection of official statistics, and impartially release statistical results.