Mbalo Brief – February 2019

Languages play a vital role in human lives as a tool of communication, education, development and it is the foundation for each person’s unique
identity, cultural history, traditions and memory. Despite their huge value, languages around the world continue to vanish at a worrying rate. In trying to
protect and raise awareness of indigenous languages, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution proclaiming 2019 as the International Year of Indigenous Languages. The resolution was made to raise awareness of the indigenous languages and to promote and protect
them. Indigenous languages add to the rich fabric of global cultural diversity and without them the world would be a poorer place.
In this month’s issue of Mbalo Brief, our educational article is based on the Tourism Satellite Account for South Africa, final 2015 and provisional 2016 and 2017 report, which was published by Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) in November 2018. This article provides an overview of Tourism Satellite Account, as well as tourism’s contribution in terms of spending and employment. Also have a look at our monthly crossword puzzle and solutions for the November 2018 puzzle.

Download Mbalo Brief – February 2019