Mbalo Brief – September 2018

September is Albinism Awareness Month. During this month, the Department of Health provides information on albinism to make people more aware of what this condition entails and to highlight myths and superstitions regarding people with albinism. Albinism is an inherited condition where a person is unable to produce normal colouring of the skin (lack of pigments), hair and eyes. The condition can be limited to the eye or involve the eye and the skin. Albinism is caused by defects in the hereditary material that determines skin colour. People who have normal pigmentation could be carriers of the hereditary material that is defective for skin colour. A carrier mother and father can pass their defective skin colour information on to their children, who could then have albinism. It is important to note that a child with albinism received the defective information from both parents and that it is common for parents with normal skin colour to have a child with albinism. The educational article for this month’s issue of Mbalo Brief is based on the Recorded live births 2017 release (Statistical release P0305). The article outlines emerging patterns and trends in the occurrence and registration of births from 1995 to 2017 or for a period of 23 years, registered at the Department of Home Affairs. Included in this issue are our monthly articles such as the Consumer price index (CPI), Selected building statistics of the private sector, Retail trade sales and Tourist accommodation. We have also included a crossword puzzle and solutions for the August 2018 puzzle.

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