Stats SA to make more detailed CPI data available

More detailed data from the consumer price index (CPI) will be made available on the Stats SA website from this month onwards, starting with the July 2018 CPI release that will be published on 22 August 2018.

New time series will be available in Excel and ASCII formats at a further level of detail than currently available. Food indices will be available at the most detailed index level and most other products at the next level of aggregation.

For example, it will now be possible to analyse price trends for white bread, bananas and instant coffee as well as for clothing for children, passenger transport by road and crèche fees.

This file will be available here.

The new time series will be made available, together with the existing publication-level time series and will start with indices from January 2017, which is the start of the current basket and weights period.

For more information, read the complete media statement here.