New version of SuperWEB2 is now available

New version of SuperWEB2 is now available

“New version of SuperWEB2 is now available. The old SuperWEB2 will continue to work until Friday 16th March 2018. From the 16th of March only the new SuperWEB2 link will be accessible from Statistics South Africa website.

SuperWeb2 is a web based version of SuperCROSS that enables users to create their own tables and view the results easily as charts and maps.

Please note: User registration is required in the new SuperWEB2.

Who should use this?
The more advanced users looking for more detail.
What is available?
Community Profiles: Census 1996,2001 and 2011, Community Survey 2007, 2016, Income and Expenditure of Households 2005/2006, Domestic Tourism Survey, Household Survey, Living Condition Surveys,Vital Stats Surveys.

Benefits of registration:
Registration allows users to save their own tables, customisations and also to receive direct communications regarding the changes as well as additions of new datasets.”

To access SuperWEB2 click here