Mbalo Brief – November 2017

Black Friday is coming to our stores once again. This is one holiday that is known to usher in the festive season shopping and most shoppers always welcome it with excitement as it gives them a perfect opportunity to do their Christmas shopping or buy the goods they have been eyeing for a while at a discount and save a few Rand. Many stores offer great deals from clothing, gadgets, food and even flight discounts and most retailers have already started sending out the Black Friday catalogues to help shoppers plan their purchases beforehand. Black Friday started in the Unites States in the 1950s and from 2011, it started catching on in South Africa. With such discount deals, it’s always best to budget well and to make a shopping list to avoid spontaneous purchases that will be regretted later.
This Month’s issue of Mbalo Brief is our last issue for the year. We hope that you had as much pleasure in reading our newsletter as we had in producing it for you. To all those in Matric, all the best with your final exams and may your new journey in 2018 be a fruitful and productive one. Ensure to buckle up this festive season, keep safe and most importantly, have lots of fun.
Included in this month’s issue of Mbalo Brief are our monthly articles such as the Retail trade sales, Tourist accommodation, Food and beverages and others. Once again, we have our monthly crossword puzzle to tickle those brain cells and we also provide the solutions to the October 2017 puzzle.
Articles published in this issue are based on results of industry surveys conducted for the months ranging from August to September 2017.

Download: Mbalo Brief – November 2017