What are South Africans dying of?

What are South Africans dying of?

Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) has released a report dealing with Mortality and Causes of Death in South Africa. The release is based on data obtained from deaths that occurred in 2010 and were registered at the Department of Home Affairs.








Starting in 2007, less people have been dying on an annual basis. The total number of deaths fell by 6.2% in 2010, as compared to 2009. More males than females died, and the highest number of deaths was recorded amongst people aged 30 – 39 years.










Tuberculosis (TB) was the leading cause of death in South Africa, accounting for about 12% of deaths that occurred in 2010. During this year, the number of deaths caused by TB, influenza and pneumonia and intestinal infectious diseases decreased by at least 10% per cause. The number of deaths due to diabetes mellitus and HIV disease increased b 3,8 and 3,0% respectively.












Nearly 10% of deaths were due to non-natural causes (e.g. transport accidents, assault, etc).  3 out of every 8 deaths in the age group 15 – 19 were due to non-natural causes.