Statistics South Africa | Improving Lives Through Data Ecosystems | Page 15

Mbalo brief – April 2023

World Autism Awareness Day, observed yearly on 2 April, raises awareness for people diagnosed with autism and aims to increase the support given to them. Furthermore, this day is observed to promote acceptance and inclusion of people living with autism in society. This year’s theme is Contribution of Autistic People at Home, at Work, in the Arts and   read more »

Stats SA’s new property price index: Cape Town has become more expensive

Stats SA’s new property price index: Cape Town has become more expensive

Anecdotes about steep property price rises in the City of Cape Town are not without merit. Stats SA’s new residential property price index (RPPI) compares how housing prices have increased since 2010 across the eight metropolitan municipalities and nine provinces. Since 2010, residential property prices have grown by 141% in the City of Cape Town,   read more »

Focus on food inadequacy and hunger in South Africa in 2021

Focus on food inadequacy and hunger in South Africa in 2021

In 2021, about 2,1 million (11,6%) of South African households reported experiencing hunger.   South Africa faces challenges ranging from high unemployment and poverty to the ongoing energy crisis and rising costs of living. These impact negatively on South Africa’s state of food security by making food expensive and inaccessible to many and increasing the   read more »

Stats Biz – March 2023

Water outages across the country have focussed attention on this vital resource. South Africa is a semi-arid country, with only a few natural source areas for water. These areas, referred to as Strategic Water Source Areas (SWSAs), provide the bulk of the water that flows from our taps. Explore our SWSAs, as well as other   read more »

Safeguarding every drop: Profiling South Africa’s Strategic Water Source Areas

Safeguarding every drop: Profiling South Africa’s Strategic Water Source Areas

Water outages across the country have focussed attention on water as a vital resource. South Africa is a semi-arid country, with only a few natural source areas for water. These areas, referred to as Strategic Water Source Areas (SWSAs), provide much of the water that flows from our taps. SWSAs can be thought of as   read more »

Cancer report – A look at the latest findings

Cancer report – A look at the latest findings

In 2018, females accounted for 51,3% of cancers diagnosed in South Africa while males accounted for 48,6%. The median age at diagnosis of cancer was 59 years for females and 64 years for males. However, the median age at death due to cancer was 62 for females and 64 for males, suggesting that cancer in   read more »

SA formal non-agricultural sector jobs rise in fourth quarter of 2022

SA formal non-agricultural sector jobs rise in fourth quarter of 2022

According to the Quarterly Employment Statistics (QES, Q4:2022) survey released by Statistics South Africa (Stats SA), total employment in the formal non-agricultural sector increased by 48 000 in the fourth quarter of 2022, bringing the level of employment to almost 10 million. The survey showed that 94 000 jobs were lost between December 2021 and December   read more »

Inflation rises for the first time since October

Inflation rises for the first time since October

Annual consumer inflation rose for the first time in four months, edging to 7,0% in February from 6,9% in January. Food and non-alcoholic beverages and transport were the main contributors to the inflation rate in February. The consumer price index (CPI) rose by 0,7% between January and February, representing the largest monthly increase since July   read more »

Mbalo brief – March 2023

Language is the primary tool for expression and communication. It is through language that we define our identity, express our history and culture, learn, defend our human rights and participate in all aspects of society to name a few. Every nation should ensure that languages are preserved and protected. In South Africa, South African Sign   read more »

The South African tourism sector struggled in 2020

The South African tourism sector struggled in 2020

Even though 2020 seems like a lifetime ago, the true extent of the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact is still being pieced together. The recent Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) for South Africa report1 sheds light on how the pandemic affected the tourism sector over the period January 2020 to December 2020, most notably in terms of production,   read more »