Statistics South Africa | Improving Lives Through Data Ecosystems | Page 125

Real gross domestic product (GDP) at market prices increased by 1,4 per cent during the third quarter of 2014

25 November 2014: 11:30 a.m. PRESS STATEMENT Real gross domestic product (GDP) at market prices increased by 1,4 per cent during the third quarter of 2014 The seasonally adjusted real GDP at market prices for the third quarter of 2014 increased by an annualised rate of 1,4 per cent compared with an increase of 0,5   read more »

Countdown to an all new GDP

Countdown to an all new GDP

On Tuesday, 25 November 2014, Stats SA will introduce new and improved GDP estimates. In the following video clip, the Deputy Director-General for Economic Statistics, Joe de Beer, provides a brief overview of the changes and what you can expect from Tuesday’s release. Click here for the video clip To ensure that gross domestic product   read more »

Annual Financial Statistics (AFS) 2013

PRESS STATEMENT                                                                                               19 November 2014 Annual Financial Statistics (AFS) 2013 The Annual Financial Statistics (AFS) released by Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) estimates the total turnover of all industries at R6 969 677 million (R7,0 trillion) for 2013, an increase of 8,9% compared with the revised estimate of R6 399 775 million (R6,4 trillion) for 2012. According   read more »

Industries report higher turnover despite a decrease in the number of enterprises

Industries report higher turnover despite a decrease in the number of enterprises

The total turnover measured for selected industries increased by 8,9%, from R6,4 trillion in 2012 to just under R7,0 trillion in 2013, despite a decrease of 11 324 enterprises between the two years1. Enterprises in the electricity, gas and water supply industry experienced the largest percentage increase in turnover (+12,5%). The results on what drives income   read more »

Boozy inflation steady on its feet

Boozy inflation steady on its feet

The headline inflation rate was steady at 5,9% in October 2014.  A 2,6% monthly increase in the price of beer was the main driver of the 0,2% change in the headline CPI between September and October.  For the first time, consumers now pay an average of R50 for a six pack of 340ml cans of locally made beer. Wine   read more »

Africa celebrates statistics

Africa celebrates statistics

Every year, on 18 November, African countries celebrate African Statistics Day (ASD) with the objective of raising public awareness about the importance of statistics in economic and social development. The theme selected for the 2014 edition of the ASD is “Open data for accountability and inclusiveness”. Open data is defined as data that can be   read more »

Mbalo Brief – November 2014

As the year draws to a close, South Africans young and old are preparing themselves for the festivities that come with the end of the year. While some are preparing to spend the holidays away from their homes, others are planning on spending the festive season with their loved ones at home. The festive season is also known to   read more »

South Africa a pioneer in environmental statistical measurement

South Africa a pioneer in environmental statistical measurement

South Africa is one of seven pilot countries selected by the United Nations (UN) to test a framework that will measure the state and condition of the country’s ecosystems. Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) and the South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) are partnering on this project. A three-day training session is currently being hosted   read more »

Female employment in community and social services on the rise

The percentage of females employed in the community and social services sector (which includes government services) has shown the largest increase between 2001 and 2014, at just over 10%. The trade industry has shown the greatest decrease in the percentage of women employed (-9,8%), followed by the manufacturing (-3,5%) and agriculture (-2,2%) industries. This is   read more »

PPI further down in September

Subdued monthly Producer price index (PPI) in September led the annual PPI for final manufactured goods (headline PPI) to drop to 6,9% from 7,2% in August. Food products, beverages and tobacco products remain the main contributors to the annual PPI. Monthly PPI for agriculture increased with 3,2% in September due to higher prices of live   read more »