Monthly Archives: March 2024

Tourism: the state of post-COVID-19 recovery

Tourism: the state of post-COVID-19 recovery

The economic fallout from COVID-19 affected many industries, including South Africa’s tourism sector. A decline in revenue from domestic (resident) visitors and inbound (non-resident) visitors, exacerbated by stringent travel restrictions, saw a fall in tourism trips, tourism-related expenditure, and employment. The sector has shown signs of recovering from the pandemic’s repercussions. The latest Tourism Satellite   read more »

Stats Biz – February 2024

South Africa’s economy grew by a marginal 0,1% in the fourth quarter, taking the annual growth rate for 2023 to 0,6%. Six of the ten industries kept the economy afloat, with the transport, storage & communication industry making the biggest positive impact. On the downside, trade, agriculture, construction and government were weaker. Explore the latest   read more »

Economic growth muted as 2023 draws to a close

Economic growth muted as 2023 draws to a close

South Africa’s economy grew by a marginal 0,1%1 in the fourth quarter (October–December), taking the annual growth rate for 2023 to 0,6%. Real gross domestic product (GDP) in the fourth quarter was R1 158 billion. This is above the pre-COVID-19 reading of R1 150 billion, but still below the peak of R1 161 billion recorded in the third quarter   read more »

Economic wrap-up for February 2024

Economic wrap-up for February 2024

February is a highlight of Stats SA’s publication schedule, with the release of various economic indicators for December concluding the results for the previous year. The preliminary data point to a lacklustre 2023, with several indicators in the red (Figure 1). Mining production, electricity generation, construction (the value of buildings completed as reported by large municipalities),   read more »