Monthly Archives: April 2022

Census 2022 data collection in Western Cape extended to 14 May

MEDIA STATEMENT                                                         28 April 2022 Census 2022 data collection in Western Cape extended to 14 May Statistics South Africa will continue to collect census data from households in the Western Cape for an additional two weeks until 14 May. The extension follows a strong response by residents of the province to the call to   read more »

Census 2022 online questionnaire completion now available.

MEDIA STATEMENT                                                         21 April 2022 Census 2022 online questionnaire completion now available. Statistics South Africa reopens online self-enumeration until the end of April 2022. Households that are not counted can go to!/home and fill in their name, surname, and cellphone number. After successfully registering, an OTP will be shared which will give access   read more »

Census 2022 online questionnaire completion now available.

Households have one final opportunity to complete the census questionnaire online before 30 April 2022. Households who have not been counted can go to!/home and fill in their name, surname and cellphone number. They will then get an OTP which will give them access to the census questionnaire. Questionnaire completion is quick and easy,   read more »

Transport costs continue to drive inflation higher

Transport costs continue to drive inflation higher

Annual consumer price inflation quickened to 5,9% in March from 5,7% in February, placing it just below the upper limit (6%) of the South African Reserve Bank’s monetary policy target range. Transport, housing and utilities, and food and non-alcoholic beverages were the most significant contributors, with transport contributing 2,1 percentage points to the annual rate.   read more »

Mbalo Brief – April 2022

Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) would like to thank everyone who participated in the Census 2022. As of the 20th of March 2022, more than 12 million households, from an estimated 17,4 million households, had been counted. From the 24th of March 2022, Stats SA commenced with the census mop-up phase. During the mop-up phase, fieldworkers were to visit all   read more »

Maternal mortality rate on the decline in SA

Maternal mortality rate on the decline in SA

South Africa has several transformative and progressive policies and legislations aimed at advancing women’s empowerment and gender equality. A review of some indicators suggests that there is an improvement in the quality of life of women over the years. However, women are still faced with adverse health outcomes such as sexually transmitted illnesses, gender-based violence   read more »

Seasonal adjustment: what is it, and why is it important?

Seasonal adjustment: what is it, and why is it important?

In April and May 2022 Stats SA is updating its seasonal adjustment models for monthly business cycle indicators, namely mining, manufacturing, electricity, building, wholesale, retail, motor, tourist accommodation, food & beverages, land transport, and civil cases for debt. What is seasonal adjustment, and why is it so important for measuring and analysing the economy? We   read more »

Stats Biz – March 2022

After decreasing steadily for eight months, annual bread and cereals inflation jumped to 3,7% in February from 1,5% in January. The monthly change was also significant: prices climbed by 2,4% between January and February, representing the biggest monthly increase for this category since the beginning of 2019. Explore food inflation, as well as other stories,   read more »