Yearly Archives: 2022

The public-sector: Shy on infrastructure investment

The public-sector: Shy on infrastructure investment

Data from 745 institutions provides an update on public-sector investment in infrastructure. A number of institutions pulled back on capital expenditure in 2021, while others increased their spending. Public-sector capital expenditure decreased by R6,1 billion (-3,0%) between 2020 and 2021, from R204,3 billion to R198,2 billion, representing the fifth consecutive year of decline. Capital expenditure represents money spent   read more »


 MEDIA RELEASE                                                                                        01 November 2022 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Stats SA will commence with data collection operations for the country’s fifth large-scale Income & Expenditure Survey (IES) 2022/23 on Monday, 7 November 2022. The year-long data collection phase will run until the end of November 2023.  The IES 2022/23 is a household-based sample survey specifically designed   read more »

Experience of disputes on the rise in SA

Experience of disputes on the rise in SA

According to a new report released by Statistics South Africa (Stats SA), there is a 9,1 percentage point increase in the proportion of individuals that have experienced one or more disputes between 2018/19 and 2021/22 reporting periods.   The types of disputes experienced range from poor service from government and business, conflict with neighbours, corruption,   read more »

Economic, social and political empowerment are critical for achieving gender equality in SA

Economic, social and political empowerment are critical for achieving gender equality in SA

More than half (51,1%) of the South African population are female[1] and, according to the General Household Survey (GHS) 2021, more than two-fifths (42,0%) of households are headed by females. While women empowerment is central to the global development agenda and is a stepping stone to gender equality, a new report released by Statistics South   read more »

Inflation cools for a second month

Inflation cools for a second month

Annual consumer price inflation slowed to 7,5% in September from 7,6% in August, edging further down from the 13-year high of 7,8% recorded in July. Fuel prices declined for a second consecutive month, contributing to the softer headline rate. The monthly change in the consumer price index (CPI) for September was 0,1%, lower than 0,2%   read more »

Mbalo Brief – October 2022

During the month of October, which is designated as Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we are reminded of the courageous women and men who have been diagnosed with breast cancer and also honour those who have lost the battle against this debilitating disease. Breast cancer is the most prevalent cancer in the world, causing a high   read more »


STATISTICS SOUTH AFRICA Stats SA provides scientific knowledge that enables society to understand complex socio-economic phenomena. It draws its mandate from the Statistics Act, 1999 (Act No 6 of 1999). Stats SA strives to excel in the following five competencies: Intellectual capability to lead the scientific work of statistics, Technological competence for purposes of large-scale   read more »

Statistician-General to release the “Gender Series Volume IX: Women Empowerment”, 2017–2022 Report.

MEDIA ADVISORY                                                                             13 October 2022   Statistician-General to release the “Gender Series Volume IX: Women Empowerment”, 2017–2022 Report. The Statistician-General of South Africa, Mr Risenga Maluleke, will release the findings of the Gender Series Volume IX: Women Empowerment, 2017-2022 report at a media briefing to be held on Tuesday, 18 October in Pretoria. The report   read more »

Stats Biz – September 2022

We seldom think about the smaller industries that drive economic growth. Outside the heavyweights of finance, personal services and manufacturing, the agriculture industry might seem like a small player, contributing 5% to national economic activity. But don’t let this fool you. Not only does the industry play a vital role in food security, but it   read more »

New samples for monthly business cycle indicators

New samples for monthly business cycle indicators

In September 2022, Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) implemented new samples for the following monthly surveys: P3041.2 – Manufacturing: Production and sales; P6141.2 – Wholesale trade sales; P6242.1 – Retail trade sales; P6343.2 – Motor trade sales; P6410 – Tourist accommodation; P6420 – Food and beverages; and P7162 – Land transport.   New samples for   read more »