Monthly Archives: September 2020

Further data shows lagging infrastructure investment

Further data shows lagging infrastructure investment

In June 2020, government announced the roll-out of an extensive infrastructure investment drive that would cover 55 projects across six sectors. The programme is an attempt to kick-start an economy battered by COVID-19, as well as to address a history of chronic infrastructure underspending.1 The concern over declining infrastructure investment is further confirmed by Stats   read more »

Consumer inflation slightly down in August

Consumer inflation slightly down in August

Annual CPI inflation pulled back slightly in August, easing to 3,1% from 3,2% in July. The monthly increase in prices was 0,2%. This is slightly lower than the average monthly change of 0,3% over the past year and lower than the 3-month average of 0,4%. Transport was the most significant contributor to the 0,2% monthly   read more »

29 September Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS) – Q2:2020

The results of the Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS) for the second quarter of 2020 indicate that the number of employed persons decreased by 2,2 million to 14,1 million compared to the first quarter of 2020. This unprecedented change is the largest quarter one to quarter two decline since the survey began in 2008. Contrary   read more »

Important message to the Public: Fake news on Stats SA recruitment drive

  It has come to the attention of Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) that an old message about the recruitment drive that was opened in 2019 is now circulating in the public platforms. Please be advised that the Human Resource database for registration is not open currently. Please contact the following people to validate authenticity   read more »

SA economy sheds 2,2 million jobs in Q2 but unemployment levels drop

SA economy sheds 2,2 million jobs in Q2 but unemployment levels drop

The South African economy shed 2,2 million jobs in the second quarter of 2020, according to the latest Quarterly Labour Force Survey Quarter 2: 2020 results, released by Statistics South Africa on 29 September 2020. The results indicate that the number of employed persons decreased by 2,2 million to 14,1 million in the 2nd quarter   read more »

Statistics South Africa to release the Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS), Quarter 2: 2020

MEDIA ADVISORY                                                                                                                    22 September 2020   Statistics South Africa to release the Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS), Quarter 2: 2020 Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) will release   read more »

Release date for QLFS Quarter 2: 2020 results

MEDIA NOTICE                                                                                                                                                  20 September 2020 Release date for QLFS   read more »

Statistics South Africa goes to the field for the Post-enumeration Survey, (PES) 2021 Trial from 09 September 2020 to 07 October 2020.

Statistics South Africa goes to the field for the Post-enumeration Survey, (PES) 2021 Trial from 09 September 2020 to 07 October 2020.

Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) would like to thank everyone who participated in the Census 2021 Trial that took place as from 10 August to 06 September 2020. A Post-enumeration Survey (PES) 2021 Trial, will be conducted immediately after the Census 2021 Trial data collection as from 09 September 2020 to 07 October 2020. The   read more »

Steep slump in GDP as COVID-19 takes its toll on the economy

Steep slump in GDP as COVID-19 takes its toll on the economy

The punch in the gut was severe. Perhaps the second quarter of 2020 will become known as the pandemic quarter. South Africa’s economy suffered a significant contraction during April, May and June, when the country operated under widespread lockdown restrictions in response to COVID-19. Gross domestic product (GDP) fell by just over 16% between the   read more »

Statistics South Africa to release the Gross domestic product (GDP) Q2 2020

MEDIA ADVISORY                                                                   2 September 2020   Statistics South Africa to release the Gross domestic product (GDP) Q2 2020 Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) will release the results of the Gross domestic product (GDP) for the second quarter of 2020, at a media briefing to be held on Tuesday, 8 September 2020. Media briefing will be   read more »