Monthly Archives: January 2020

Stats Biz – January 2020

Stats Biz kicks off 2020 with a look at the latest inflation figures. Annual consumer inflation edged up to 4,0% in December from November’s 3,6%. Bread and cereal prices continue to place pressure on overall food inflation, increasing by 8,0%, which was unchanged from November. Explore inflation, as well as other stories, in this edition   read more »

Stats SA’s NHTS aims to inform transport planning

MEDIA RELEASE                                                                                                                                                     29  January  2020                                                              Stats SA’s NHTS   read more »

National Household Travel Survey (NHTS)

Travel is a necessity South Africans travel from their homes to places of work, education, healthcare, for business, for leisure and social activities daily. Travel is a necessity. The increase in urbanisation and population numbers changes the demand for urban infrastructure and transport services. But, how can we know and understand transport needs and behaviour   read more »

Inflation quickens slightly in December

Inflation quickens slightly in December

Annual consumer inflation edged up to 4,0% in December from November’s 3,6%. The main contributors to the 4,0% rate were food and non-alcoholic beverages; housing and utilities; transport; and miscellaneous goods and services. The food and non-alcoholic beverages category recorded an annual rate of 3,9%, slightly higher than the 3,5% recorded in November. Bread and   read more »